When a leader starts building a business, perhaps the last thing they think is to create a culture within their business. Nonetheless whether or not this culture is able to grow strong depends on the managerial apparatus and “Steering” style of the leader.
The concepts of business, idea, strategy, plan, vision often becomes the foundation for business building, but to maintain a long-term development, it also depends on the corporate’s culture or can be regarded as the enterprise’s soul.
Lonnie Sciambi (adviser, author, speaker) ever shared: “The way our parents raise their children is originated from the way they inherited”. They often impose and manage their children according to what they think is best. Similar to the way the business is run, every employee is always under pressure of management by superiors, and most situations are quite rigid and negative. The leaders need to recognize that problem and fix it as quickly as possible, since this threatens the sustainability of the business.
At the age of 27, I worked for a large IT group. One day, I began to realize that every important decision or action I made received a lot of attention from the staff. They discussed and shared it with many people around and I realized this was the cultural foundation. The nature of corporate culture is that it must strengthen the potential and encourage them to create more profits for businesses. Just a few years later, when I started my own business, I really understood that I had the opportunity to create a company not only for profit, but also for something else, an “intangible asset”. – that’s the corporate’s culture.
Cultural factors are always formed in parallel with the development process of enterprises. Corporate culture is the culture of an organization so it is not merely a communication culture or business culture, it is also not the slogans of the management board that are hung in front of the gate or in the meeting room, but it includes a combination of various factors: Values, beliefs, norms and behaviors.
And what every entrepreneur faces at one point is the creating of a separate business culture for their organization. An effective corporate culture will create an environment conducive to staff development in particular and the organization in general. If employees work in a happy environment, are respected, trusted and feel proud to be part of the business, the results would be as expected, but not all leaders can do so.
The core of corporate culture is the entrepreneurial spirit and value perspective of the business. Therefore it can be said again that culture is as the soul of the business. And if you say it roughly : If the business is a computer, then the corporate culture is the operating system.
Because the corporate culture reflects the value and vision that the owner wants to create.
Building a business must be based on trust and respect for each other, where the value of being is always encouraged. Many leaders make mistakes when imposing culture without provoking their employees’ awareness of cultural values. Without explaining the system of cultural values of enterprises is of any benefit to the internal organization, it is inevitable that all forms of implementation are only movements. A question arises, which values are reasonable and which values are not reasonable? This depends very much on each individual organization.
When the leaders want to build a corporate culture, they should do it as soon as possible. Today the culture in an organization has gradually reached the highest level, becoming a very valuable thing, from one generation to another always learning and following.