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VAFUCO was established in 2012 by a group of engineers with many years of experience in managing and implementing mechanical&electrical construction and industrial equipment projects. The policy and general development orientation of the Company focuses on a number of key areas.
- Providing industrial and civil equipments.
- Supplying replacement equipments for hydroelectric and thermoelectric power plants and power stations.
- Distributing medical and educational science equipments.
- Distributing measurement, controlling and monitoring equipment.
- Distributing housing parts for testing equipment and tools.
- Distributing new materials, chemicals, wastewater treatment.
- Distributing materials and machinery for construction of bridges and roads.
- Being contractor of building civil and industrial M&E works.
- Being contractor of installing interior and exterior equipments.
- Researching and developing heat recovery system, new energy, renewable energy.
- Treating waste water and
- Supplying chemicals in the field of food and industrial chemicals.

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