Gutor Modular - CTCP phát triển Công nghệ và Dịch vụ Vạn Phúc

Gutor Modular

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Gutor Modular is built on a modular architecture, providing maximum flexibility for users. Its easy expandability allows for adjusting power capacity according to specific application needs. Additionally, the product is equipped with advanced technology to ensure high performance and reliability in all operating conditions, including standout features:

Flexible Modular Architecture: Enables easy expansion or reduction of capacity, saving costs and optimizing usage efficiency.

High Performance: Utilizing advanced technology, Gutor Modular delivers high performance, protecting electrical equipment from power loss and related incidents.

Reliability: With safety features and high-quality components, Gutor Modular ensures that backup power is always ready to operate when needed.

Benefits of Gutor Modular: Using Gutor Modular brings significant benefits to businesses and organizations, including:

Flexibility and Scalability: Provides flexible and easily expandable backup solutions according to demand. Cost Savings: Optimizes power usage and minimizes operational costs. Equipment Protection: Ensures stable operation of critical equipment in all situations. Gutor Modular is an ideal choice for businesses and organizations seeking a flexible, efficient, and reliable UPS solution.

Conclusion: Gutor Modular is not only a leading UPS product with flexibility and high performance but also a reliable solution for the backup power needs of organizations and businesses. Its features and capabilities reflect Gutor’s commitment to providing high-quality and efficient backup power solutions.

Branch Office:

  • Hanoi: BT5 – VT15 Xa La Urban Area, Phuc La Ward, Ha Dong District, Hanoi
  • HCMC: 119/5 Da Nam Street, Ward 3, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone/Fax: +84.243.2055.035


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